Have you ever wondered who knows the teacher best? It can be fun and exciting to find out how much you know about your teacher!
Whether it’s their favorite hobby, where they went to school, or what kind of music they like, these questions can bring everyone closer together.

Knowing your teacher better helps make the classroom feel like a friendly place.
So, let’s dive into some creative ideas to see who knows the teacher best!
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Who Knows The Teacher Best Questions Ideas
Now that you’re ready to play, we’ve put together a list of fun and interesting who knows the teacher best questions.
These questions are perfect for finding out all sorts of fun facts about your teacher.
Whether you’re curious about their personal life, their classroom habits, or their holiday favorites, there’s a question here for everyone!
Let’s get started!
Personal Life Questions For Teacher
Personal life questions help you learn more about your teacher’s interests, hobbies, and family.
These questions are great for getting to know your teacher as a person, not just as an educator.
You might find out what their favorite food is, or where they grew up.
It’s fun to see what you have in common with your teacher.
Asking these questions can make the classroom feel more like a community.
What is the teacher’s favorite hobby?
Where was the teacher born?
Does the teacher have any pets?
What is the teacher’s favorite food?
What is the teacher’s favorite color?
What is the teacher’s favorite movie?
What is the teacher’s favorite TV show?
What type of music does the teacher enjoy the most?
What is the teacher’s favorite book?
Where did the teacher go to college?
What is the teacher’s middle name?
How many siblings does the teacher have?
What is the teacher’s favorite sport to watch?
Does the teacher prefer coffee or tea?
What is the teacher’s dream vacation destination?
Does the teacher have any children?
What is the teacher’s favorite ice cream flavor?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday?
Does the teacher have a favorite quote?
What type of car does the teacher drive?
What is the teacher’s favorite season?
What is the teacher’s favorite dessert?
What is the teacher’s favorite restaurant?
Does the teacher prefer the beach or the mountains?
What is the teacher’s favorite fruit?
Professional Life Questions
Professional life questions give you a peek into your teacher’s career.
You can ask about their favorite subjects to teach or what made them want to become a teacher.
These questions can help you understand what your teacher loves about their job.
Learning about their teaching experiences can be inspiring and might even help you with your career ideas in the future.
How many years has the teacher been teaching?
What subject does the teacher enjoy teaching the most?
Where did the teacher start their teaching career?
What is the teacher’s favorite classroom activity?
What grade did the teacher teach first?
Has the teacher ever taught in another country?
What is the teacher’s favorite school event?
What inspired the teacher to become an educator?
What is the teacher’s proudest teaching moment?
Does the teacher prefer group work or individual work?
How does the teacher usually start their day at school?
What is the teacher’s favorite educational app or tool?
Does the teacher have a favorite teaching method?
What is the teacher’s biggest classroom pet peeve?
Has the teacher ever won a teaching award?
Does the teacher prefer digital or traditional teaching resources?
What is the teacher’s favorite topic to teach?
How does the teacher usually handle classroom discipline?
What is the teacher’s favorite school subject (as a student)?
Does the teacher prefer online or in-person classes?
What is the teacher’s favorite part of the school day?
What is the teacher’s least favorite part of teaching?
What is the teacher’s go-to classroom snack?
What is the teacher’s favorite field trip destination?
What time does the teacher usually arrive at school?
Fun and Quirky Questions
Fun and quirky questions are all about having a good time.
These questions might be silly or unexpected, like asking what superpower your teacher would choose or what their favorite emoji is.
It’s a great way to see your teacher’s playful side.
These questions can lead to funny and memorable moments in class.
It’s a fun way to break the ice and create a positive vibe in the classroom.
What is the teacher’s hidden talent?
What superpower would the teacher choose?
Does the teacher believe in aliens?
What is the teacher’s favorite board game?
What would the teacher do if they won the lottery?
What is the teacher’s biggest fear?
What was the teacher’s first job?
What is the teacher’s favorite guilty pleasure TV show?
Does the teacher prefer cats or dogs?
What is the teacher’s favorite pizza topping?
If the teacher could live in any time, which would it be?
What is the teacher’s dream car?
What is the teacher’s favorite emoji?
Does the teacher have a favorite superhero?
What was the teacher’s favorite childhood toy?
If the teacher could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
What is the teacher’s favorite type of candy?
What does the teacher do to relax after a long day?
If the teacher could have any other career, what would it be?
Does the teacher believe in ghosts?
What is the teacher’s favorite cereal?
What is the teacher’s favorite breakfast food?
What was the teacher’s favorite subject in school?
What is the teacher’s favorite thing to do on the weekend?
What is the teacher’s favorite type of weather?
Holiday-themed Questions Ideas
Holiday-themed questions are perfect for the festive seasons.
You can ask about your teacher’s favorite holiday traditions or what they love most about Christmas.
These questions bring out the joy of the holidays and help everyone get into the spirit.
They can also lead to fun classroom activities related to different holidays.
It’s a great way to celebrate together and learn about each other’s traditions.
What is the teacher’s favorite Halloween costume they’ve worn?
Does the teacher prefer Halloween or Christmas?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday tradition?
What is the teacher’s favorite Christmas movie?
Does the teacher prefer turkey or ham for Thanksgiving?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday treat?
Does the teacher believe in New Year’s resolutions?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday song?
How does the teacher usually celebrate their birthday?
What is the teacher’s favorite thing about the holidays?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday activity?
Does the teacher prefer giving or receiving gifts?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday decoration?
What is the teacher’s favorite way to spend a snow day?
Does the teacher prefer Valentine’s Day or Easter?
What is the teacher’s favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday beverage?
Does the teacher prefer Black Friday or Cyber Monday shopping?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday destination?
What is the teacher’s favorite Christmas gift they’ve ever received?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday to celebrate in the classroom?
What is the teacher’s favorite holiday cookie?
Does the teacher prefer holiday shopping in stores or online?
What is the teacher’s favorite New Year’s Eve tradition?
What is the teacher’s favorite thing to do on Christmas morning?
Classroom-Specific Questions
Classroom-specific questions focus on what happens in your teacher’s classroom.
You can ask about their favorite classroom decoration or how they like to start the school day.
These questions help you understand what makes your teacher’s classroom special.
They also show you what your teacher enjoys most about teaching.
Asking these questions can give you tips on how to be a better student too!
What is the teacher’s favorite classroom decoration?
What is the teacher’s favorite book to read to the class?
What is the teacher’s classroom pet’s name (if applicable)?
Does the teacher prefer a quiet or lively classroom?
What is the teacher’s favorite classroom activity?
What is the teacher’s favorite bulletin board theme?
What color are the walls in the teacher’s classroom?
Does the teacher have a favorite classroom game?
What is the teacher’s go-to classroom management strategy?
What is the teacher’s favorite thing to do during recess?
What is the teacher’s favorite classroom supply?
What does the teacher usually do during lunch break?
Does the teacher prefer morning or afternoon classes?
What is the teacher’s favorite classroom job for students?
What is the teacher’s favorite classroom reward?
Does the teacher use a specific seating arrangement?
What is the teacher’s favorite classroom tradition?
What is the teacher’s favorite subject to teach in the afternoon?
What is the teacher’s favorite part of parent-teacher conferences?
Does the teacher have a favorite classroom theme for the year?
What is the teacher’s favorite classroom song?
Does the teacher prefer projects or tests?
What is the teacher’s favorite time of the school year?
What is the teacher’s favorite classroom rule?
Does the teacher have a favorite student story?
Playing who knows the teacher best is a fun way to learn more about your teacher and create a stronger bond in the classroom.
Whether you’re asking about their personal life, their professional experiences, or just some fun and quirky facts, these questions can make everyone feel more connected.
It’s a great way to bring some joy and laughter into the school day.
Plus, you might discover something surprising about your teacher!
Engage With Us
We hope you enjoyed these questions!
Have you tried any of them in your classroom or at home? We’d love to hear your stories and see how they worked for you.
Do you have any more fun questions that could be added to the list?
Share your experiences and ideas with us in the comments below!