100+ Fun Questions To Ask Coworkers That’ll Make Them Laugh

Sometimes work can feel a little too serious. That’s why it’s important to take a break, laugh, and have some fun with the people you work with.

Asking light and funny questions can help everyone relax, connect, and enjoy their time together.

Whether you’re in the office or on a video call, these fun questions to ask coworkers can bring smiles and good vibes.

Fun Questions To Ask Coworkers

They’re also a great way to break the ice, build friendships, and learn cool things about your teammates.

No need to be super serious all the time—let’s add a little fun to the workday!

Fun Questions To Ask Coworkers

Want to make your coworkers laugh or just get to know them better?

This big list of fun questions is perfect for meetings, team chats, or even random coffee breaks. Just pick a question and let the fun begin!

Ready? Let’s dive into the good stuff:

Quick Icebreaker Questions

These are easy, low-pressure, and get the conversation flowing quickly.

Perfect for: Meeting openers, Slack threads, lunch breaks

What was your first job ever?

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

If you could instantly become good at one sport, what would it be?

What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?

Have you ever met a celebrity? Who?

What’s one food you’ll never eat?

Dogs, cats, or…lizards?

What’s your guilty pleasure TV show?

What emoji do you use the most?

Coffee or tea—and how do you take it?

What’s the weirdest thing in your fridge right now?

Would you rather live in a treehouse or a tiny house?

What’s a fashion trend you regret following?

What’s your most-used app?

What’s one thing you always keep on your desk?

Quirky & Fun Coworker Questions

Let the weirdness shine – these are meant to be offbeat and hilarious.

Perfect for: Casual Fridays, team bonding, or “I need a laugh” days

If your life were a sitcom, what would it be called?

What’s your zombie apocalypse survival skill?

Which fictional character do you relate to most?

If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest?

What’s your most irrational fear?

If you were a fruit, what would you be?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled recently?

Do you believe in aliens? Be honest.

What’s your “this meeting could’ve been an email” face?

If you had a personal mascot, what would it be?

What’s your most useless hidden talent?

If you were a kitchen utensil, which one would you be?

What’s your go-to dance move at weddings?

Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?

What’s your theme song when you walk into the office?

Rapid Fire Questions

Keep it fast, fun, and spontaneous. No overthinking allowed!

Perfect for: Speed rounds, icebreaker games, and virtual meetings

Sweet or salty?

Beach or mountains?

Netflix or YouTube?

Text or call?

Pizza or tacos?

Morning person or night owl?

Chocolate or vanilla?

Reality TV or documentary?

Hot coffee or iced coffee?

Pancakes or waffles?

Android or iPhone?

Summer or winter?

Book or movie?

Comedy or thriller?

Sneakers or sandals?

Office Questions Of The Day

Drop one of these in Slack or in a meeting to spice up the day.

What’s your favorite office snack?

What’s the best work advice you’ve ever received?

If you could swap jobs with anyone for a day, who would it be?

What’s your biggest email pet peeve?

Do you prefer open office spaces or cubicles?

What’s one thing that should be in every break room?

Which coworker is most likely to survive a reality TV show?

If our team had a motto, what should it be?

What’s the best team lunch spot nearby?

Do you work better with music or silence?

Who’s most likely to bring their pet to work?

What’s your go-to excuse for leaving a Zoom call early?

What’s one office ritual we should start?

How do you celebrate small wins at work?

What’s your favorite thing about our team?

Thought-Provoking (But Still Fun) Questions

Dig a little deeper, but keep it light and fun.

Perfect for: One-on-one chats, deeper team convos

What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?

What skill would you love to master?

If you could time travel, what era would you visit?

What advice would you give your younger self?

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who?

What motivates you when you’re feeling blah?

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t?

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

What’s a personal goal you’re working on?

What’s one hobby you picked up during quarantine?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where?

What’s one book or movie that changed your perspective?

What’s your dream retirement plan?

If money wasn’t a factor, what would you be doing?

What’s something people usually get wrong about you?

Group Game: “Pass the Question”

Each person answers a question and then passes it to someone else.

Fun in meetings or on Slack threads.

What’s your current desktop wallpaper?

What’s your favorite way to waste time at work?

What emoji best describes your mood today?

What’s the weirdest food combo you actually like?

If you had to sing one song to save your life, what would it be?

What app do you waste the most time on?

What’s your favorite quote or mantra?

What’s a phrase you say way too often?

If you had a warning label, what would it say?

What’s your “useless but interesting” fact?

If your name had to be an acronym, what would it stand for?

What’s your ultimate dream job title?

What animal matches your energy today?

If you were a superhero, what would your power be?

What’s something you’re proud of this week?

Virtual & Slack-Friendly Fun Questions

Perfect for remote teams to keep the vibe light and social.

Best for: Remote teams, hybrid check-ins, async convos

Post a meme that describes your week.

Drop a gif that sums up your mood right now.

What’s your current desktop background?

What’s one thing in your home office setup you love?

If you had to rename our team, what would you call it?

What’s your current Zoom background (real or fake)?

What’s your work-from-home uniform?

Share a pic of your pet or workspace.

What’s your favorite lunch when working from home?

What’s the strangest noise you’ve heard during a Zoom call?

What show or song is currently on repeat for you?

What’s your go-to mid-day pick-me-up?

What’s your proudest recent “life hack”?

What’s the one thing you don’t miss about the office?

What’s your favorite Slack/Teams reaction emoji?

When Should You Ask These Questions?

Glad you asked!

These questions are ideal for:

  • Kicking off weekly standups
  • Lightening the mood during stressful sprints
  • Slack watercooler threads
  • Employee onboarding
  • Office parties (yes, even the awkward ones)
  • Surprise “get to know you” sessions

Why Fun Questions Actually Work?

You might think these little chats are just for laughs (and they are), but they also:

  • Build team trust
  • Encourage authentic connections
  • Reduce stress and burnout
  • Boost employee engagement
  • Make the workplace (virtual or not) feel a little more human

And hey – who doesn’t want to work somewhere that feels fun?


Having a list of fun questions to ask coworkers is a great way to make work more enjoyable.

Whether you’re starting a meeting, chatting during lunch, or sending a quick message online, these questions can help bring everyone closer.

Laughter makes the day better, and it’s always nice to learn something new (and sometimes silly) about the people you work with.

So the next time you feel things getting a little too quiet or serious, pick a fun question and share a smile.

Work doesn’t have to be all business – sometimes, a little fun is the best part!

Engage With Us

Which of these fun questions to ask coworkers made you laugh the most? Have any favorites you use at work that aren’t on this list?

Drop your go-to funny or icebreaker questions in the comments or share them with us on social media.

Let’s keep the fun going and help teams everywhere bring a little more joy to their workday.

Your friendly neighborhood. I do SEO (Freelance Content Writer), and sometimes I cook food.

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