17 Things To Do When You Miss Your Long Distance Boyfriend

Being in a long-distance relationship can be tough, especially when you miss your boyfriend a lot.

But many long-distance relationship activities can help you stay connected with your long-distance partner.

From virtual date ideas to fun activities for long-distance partners, these creative ways to connect with your boyfriend can make the distance feel smaller.

Let’s explore some ideas to help you feel closer and strengthen your long-distance romance.

17 Things To Do When You Miss Your Long Distance Boyfriend

When you miss your long-distance boyfriend, it’s important to find ways to stay connected and manage your relationship.

Here are 17 things to do that can help you bond and feel closer, even when you are far apart.

These activities will support your long-distance relationship and make the time apart easier to handle.

Video Call: Schedule a video call to see each other’s faces and feel more connected.

Video Call With Boyfriend

Set up a video call with him. It’s the best way to see his face and hear his voice.

Seeing each other on the screen can make you feel like you are together, even if you are far apart. Try to do this often.

You can talk about your day, share funny stories, or just enjoy each other’s company. Seeing his smile can make your day better.

Send a Care Package: Put together a box of his favorite things and send it to him.

Make a special box filled with things he likes. You can add his favorite snacks, a new book, or a cozy pair of socks.

You can even include something you made yourself, like a drawing or a small craft.

Sending a care package shows you are thinking about him and want to make him happy. It’s a nice surprise that will make him feel loved.

Write a Letter: Write a heartfelt letter expressing your feelings and send it by mail.

Writing a letter is a very personal way to show your feelings.

Take your time to write about how much you miss him and the things you love about him. Use colorful pens and maybe add some stickers or doodles.

Sending a letter by mail is special because he can keep it and read it anytime he misses you. Your words will warm his heart.

Plan a Future Visit: Start planning your next visit together. It gives you something to look forward to.

Start planning when you can see each other next. Look at calendars and pick dates that work for both of you.

Think about the fun things you can do together when you meet. You can plan to visit a new place, go to a favorite restaurant, or just spend time talking and laughing.

Planning a visit gives you both something to look forward to and makes the time apart feel shorter.

Share Photos: Exchange recent photos of your day-to-day activities.

Take photos of what you do every day and share them with him.

You can take pictures of your meals, places you visit, or even a funny moment you had. Ask him to do the same.

This way, you can both feel like you are part of each other’s lives. Sharing photos helps you stay connected and shows you care about each other’s daily experiences.

Watch a Movie Together: Use a streaming service to watch a movie or show together online.

Stream Your Fav Movie Together

Use a streaming service to watch a movie or show together online.

You can start the movie at the same time and text or call each other while watching.

This makes it feel like you are sitting next to each other on the couch. Pick a movie you both like and enjoy the experience together.

It’s a fun way to spend time and share something you both enjoy.

Text Throughout the Day: Keep in touch by texting each other regularly.

Keep in touch by texting each other regularly. Send good morning and good night messages.

Share little things about your day, like what you had for lunch or something funny that happened.

This constant communication helps you feel connected and involved in each other’s lives. Even a quick “I miss you” text can brighten your day.

Listen to a Shared Playlist: Create and listen to a playlist of songs that remind you of each other.

Create and listen to a playlist of songs that remind you of each other. You can add your favorite songs or ones that have special meanings.

Listening to the same music makes you feel closer and can bring back good memories.

Share the playlist and listen to it when you miss him. Music has a way of making you feel connected, even from afar.

Virtual Dinner Date: Have a meal together over a video call.

Have a meal together over a video call. Pick a time to have dinner, and each of you can prepare your favorite food.

Sit down and eat while chatting on video.

You can talk about your day, share stories, and enjoy the meal together. It’s like having a real date, and it makes the distance feel a little smaller.

Send Voice Messages: Send voice notes to hear each other’s voice more often.

Send voice notes to hear each other’s voice more often. Sometimes, hearing his voice can be more comforting than reading a text.

You can send short messages saying good morning or telling a joke.

It’s a personal touch that makes communication feel warmer. Plus, you can listen to his voice anytime you miss him.

Play Online Games: Play an online game together for some fun and bonding.

Play Online Games

Play an online game together for some fun and bonding. Choose a game you both like and can play at the same time.

It could be a simple game on your phone or a more complex game on your computer. Playing games together can be exciting and bring a sense of teamwork.

It’s a great way to spend time and laugh together, even when you are far apart.

Read the Same Book: Start reading the same book and discuss it as you go along.

Start reading the same book and discuss it as you go along. Pick a book that interests both of you and set a schedule for reading it.

You can talk about the story, your favorite characters, and what you think will happen next.

This shared activity gives you something new to talk about and helps you feel connected through a common experience.

Create a Scrapbook: Work on a scrapbook of your memories together.

Work on a scrapbook of your memories together. Collect photos, tickets, and other small items from your time together.

You can both add to it and share pictures of your pages.

This project helps you remember the good times and look forward to making new memories. It’s a creative way to celebrate your relationship and keep the love alive.

Meditate Together: Do a virtual meditation session together to feel more connected spiritually.

Do a virtual meditation session together to feel more connected spiritually.

Find a guided meditation online and set a time to meditate at the same time. You can talk about how it made you feel and how it helps you stay calm and focused.

Meditating together can strengthen your bond and bring a sense of peace to your relationship.

Surprise Gifts: Send surprise gifts to each other to show you’re thinking of him.

Send Surprise Gifts To Him

Send surprise gifts to each other to show you’re thinking of him.

It could be something small like a favorite snack or something more special like a piece of jewelry.

The surprise will make him smile and feel loved. It shows that you care and are always thinking of him, even when you are far apart.

Talk About Your Day: Share the little details of your day-to-day life.

Share the little details of your day-to-day life. Talk about what you did, who you met, and how you felt.

These small details help you stay connected and involved in each other’s lives. It makes the distance feel smaller because you know what’s happening in each other’s world.

Plus, it’s nice to have someone to share your everyday moments with.

Set Goals Together: Discuss and set future goals for your relationship and personal life.

Discuss and set future goals for your relationship and personal life. Talk about your dreams and what you want to achieve.

Setting goals together gives you something to work towards and look forward to. It helps you stay motivated and aligned, even when you are apart.

These goals can be big or small, but having them shows that you are planning a future together.


Being in a long-distance relationship can be challenging, but there are many ways to stay connected and keep your bond strong.

By trying out these 17 activities, you can make the distance feel smaller and strengthen your relationship.

From video calls and sending care packages to virtual dinner dates and setting future goals, these ideas will help you feel closer to your boyfriend.

Engage With Us

We hope these ideas help you stay connected with your long-distance boyfriend and make the time apart a little easier.

Do you have other tips or activities that work for you?

We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences! Share your ideas in the comments below.

Your friendly neighborhood. I do SEO (Freelance Content Writer), and sometimes I cook food.

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