Are you bored of spending a day inside the house?
Do you have a list of excuses like “I have a holiday”, “I am in a mood to go out” or “I want to leave the house ASAP”?
I am sure you have experienced a situation when you are stuck in the house because of some reason.
It can be anything from family problems to a simple cold that keeps you in the house for days. Whatever the reason may be, you will never have to experience the same again.
You can use these 100% working tips and excuses to leave the house whenever you want.
Use these links to jump ahead:
- 65 Proven Excuses To Leave The House
- Early In The Morning
- Excuses To Leave The House at Night
- Good Excuses To Evade From a Partner
- Excuses To Leave House For a Good Reason
- Excuses To Leave For a Few Hours
- To See Your Boyfriend
- To See Your Girlfriend
- Excuses To Leave The House For 10 Minutes
- Excuses To Make When Your Parents Are Strict
- Excuses To Get Out Of The House To Meet Your Lover
- Excuses To Leave The House If Your Wife Is Strict
- When You Are Working From Home
- Conclusion
65 Proven Excuses To Leave The House

We all have that habit of leaving the house without telling anyone.
Most of the time we don’t even tell our family members because we are afraid of their reaction.
But there are certain things that will motivate you to get up from your bed and leave the house.
Here is a list of 65 proven excuses to leave the house which will make you feel better when you are out of the house.
1. A New Friend Is In The Town
This is one of the most common reasons why you would want to go out.
This will also work when you are just going to attend an event or party.
We always have friends who are from another city and they are inviting us to their places.
You can say something like:
“I have some work to do in my town. I have to go there and meet my friend.”
“A friend of mine has come to our city and he doesn’t know much about here. So I have to go to meet him”
2. My Laundry Is Not Done I Need To Go the Laundry
If you have a day job or if you are having a tough time with your daily household tasks, this is a great excuse.
If you are having trouble with your laundry, you can always tell someone that you need to go out for some laundry.
You are running late for work or tell them you must do this as soon as possible.
You can escape by saying something like this:
“My clothes are very dirty I have to go to the laundry today.”
“Today my clothes are bad and I have to go out to do laundry as soon as possible.”
3. I Lost My Wallet When Heading Back
In a lot of situations, you will lose your wallet when you are heading home from somewhere.
This may be where you have gone with a friend and then forgot your wallet.
You can tell them this excuse and you can escape from home.
Examples you can try:
“When I was coming back from a friend’s house I think I dropped my wallet on the way.”
“I think I forgot my wallet at my friend’s house I will bring it back.”
4. I Need To Go Shopping (Since There Is a Sale Ongoing)
Many stores will offer an ongoing sale.
If you go shopping on a regular basis, you can tell your family this.
Here are some examples of how you can say this:
“There is a sale of clothes going on in that shop and good clothes are available at very cheap prices. I’m going shopping.”
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5. I Have To Pay a Debt To My Friend
If you owe money to someone or something, you can tell your family about it.
If you are in need of money for something or to pay off a debt.
You can tell them that you have to pay the money to your friend and you want to go to give them money.
Examples of how you can say this:
“I borrowed some money from my friend and now he needs money urgently so I am going to give him money.”
Early In The Morning

You never leave the house in the morning, but today you have to leave the house early and for this, you have no excuse to go out.
Do not worry because I have brought some such excuses which will be useful for you to leave the house in the morning.
Whether you are going to an office or going to school, this excuse will come in handy and will work well too.
6. Someone Is Waiting For Me
This is one of the best excuses that you can use when someone is waiting for you outside the house.
Whether you are going to school or to work, you can tell your family that someone is waiting for you outside and you have to go and meet them.
You can tell them something like:
“My boss is waiting for me and I have to arrive quickly”
My friends are waiting for school I have to leave early or else they will go.”
7. My Bus Is Early Today
Another excuse which you can use is that your bus is early today and you have to leave home.
Whether you are going to school or going to work, just tell your family that your bus is early today and you have to leave immediately.
If you do not leave, the bus will leave without you and you will not reach on time.
“Today the bus is going to come a little early so I have to leave the house early.”
8. I Missed My (Wallet, Charger, etc) In the Office Last Night
You can use this as an excuse if you lost or misplaced some important things in your office or office bag last night and you are very worried about it.
Say this:
“I forgot my wallet on the desk while coming from the office yesterday and I have to go early this morning to check.”
9. Morning Walk Or Jogging
If you are really concerned about losing time by taking long walks or jogging early in the morning then you should use this as an excuse.
You can say:
“I have to go out for a walk right now and it will take 10 minutes to get there. So I have to leave immediately.”
“From today I have started paying attention to health, so I will wake up every morning and go jogging.”
10. Go Shop For Milk
This is another one of those excuses that can be used if you are really worried about being late and you are short of time.
You can say:
“I feel like going out of the house a little and I will bring milk and eggs from outside”
Related article: 25 Foolproof Excuses To Spend The Night Away From Home
Excuses To Leave The House at Night

Whether you are going to sleep, going to a party, or just want to go somewhere, you can also use these excuses to get away from home at night.
Whether it is for your health or any other reason, these excuses will work.
11. I Need Some Fresh Air
In most cases, people feel bad when they get into a crowded place or a confined space because it makes them feel uncomfortable.
This is why you need to use this excuse when you feel that way.
For example, say this:
“I’m suffocating a little bit here inside, I will go out and get some fresh air.”
12. Someone Is Calling Me Out For Dinner
If you need to get away for dinner, you can also say that you have to meet someone for dinner.
It can be your friend or someone else, but make sure that this excuse is not used too often.
If you are trying to avoid someone or you want to avoid being with that person, then you should use this excuse.
Say this:
“I would love to eat but I have to go to someone’s house.”
“Today my friend has invited me for dinner so I am going to his house.”
13. Birthday Night With Friends
It is possible to use this excuse if you want to celebrate your friend’s birthday.
However, you should use this excuse only if it is true.
Make sure that it is not your brother’s or anyone else’s birthday because you will only be using this excuse for a false purpose.
Say something like this:
“I have a friend’s birthday party and we all thought of cutting a cake together.”
This reason can be a great option for the next day also in order to skip your school if you are in school specifically. (Kids will gonna love this). For details, do check out specific articles on:
14. To Look For Anything That You Lost
This is another useful excuse that you should use to explain your absence from work.
You may have lost your purse or cell phone or something else.
You can use this excuse if you want to say that you were looking for something in your office.
15. My Friend Met With an Accident
If your friend met with an accident, he/she may not be able to come to work for some time.
You can use this excuse to say that you are going to take your friend home so that he/she can rest for some time.
Good Excuses To Evade From a Partner

There are many reasons to cheat on your partner.
Whether your partner is not giving you enough attention, has been unfaithful in the past, or is not satisfying you physically, there are many reasons to cheat on him/her.
If you are already cheating on your partner and don’t want to be caught, then these are some of the best excuses you can use to leave the house without your partner knowing.
16. I Have an Urgent Office Meeting To Attend
Say that you have an urgent business meeting to attend.
You can use this excuse if you want to say that you are not able to make it home by the time your partner gets back.
17. My Friend Got Sick and I Need To Get Her/Him a Doctor
If you are trying to find a way to get out of making it home when you know that your partner will not be happy with that.
Then the next best excuse is to say that you are taking a sick friend out for a doctor’s appointment.
18. I Need To Meet My Relatives Out Today
Say that you need to meet your family members out today for a long-planned event.
You can use this excuse to avoid being home if your partner is getting on your nerves.
19. Bachelor Party (Boys) / Girls Party (Girl)
You need to get out and have fun, so you’re going to a bachelor party.
However, you know that your partner will get upset when she/he finds out that you aren’t there.
So, you can use the excuse of a bachelor party or a girls’ night out as a way to go without your partner finding out.
20. I Have To Pick Up My Sister/Brother From School
Saying that you have to pick up your sister or brother from school is a great excuse.
To get out of making it home when you know that your partner will not be happy with that.
Excuses To Leave House For a Good Reason

The idea of leaving home is scary and exciting for a teenager at the same time.
If your parents don’t let you go out when you want to, you might feel like you’re missing out.
However, if you make up some excuses to leave home, then your parents will be happy for you.
21. Group Study At Friend’s Place
If your friends want to study together, then this is a great excuse to stay away from home.
If you say that you have to study at a friend’s place, then no one will know that you are lying.
So, use this excuse and your friends will think that you are just trying to avoid studying.
22. I Forgot Something At The Park
If you forgot something at the park, then this is a great excuse to avoid coming home early.
Just say that you forgot your phone in the car and head back to the park.
Your family will never know that you were just lying to avoid coming home.
23. My Friend’s Family Needs a Helping Hand
If your friend’s family needs help with something like painting or grocery shopping, then it is a great time to escape from home.
If you say that you need a helping hand, then your friend’s family will not ask too many questions.
24. My College Needs a Volunteer
If you say that you are willing to help your college by being a volunteer, then your parents won’t question you.
Say that you are going to help the elderly or kids with homework.
25. Emergency Situation at Friend’s Home
If there is an emergency situation happening at your friend’s house, then you can easily leave and avoid coming home early.
Say that you have to go help your friend or that the house has been broken into.
Read This For More Excuses- 20 Reasonable Excuses To Leave Your Friends House Early
Excuses To Leave For a Few Hours

You may get a few hours away from your house but you can also leave your house for good.
As a grown-up, there are many things you can do without telling your parents.
You might need to go to work, buy something, or visit friends.
If you have an excuse in mind, it will be much easier for you to leave the house.
Here are some examples of good excuses to leave home:
26. My Dog Needs a Long Walk
There is no better excuse than taking care of your dog.
You know he/she would love to go on a walk.
If you do not own a dog, you can still use this as a valid reason.
The best thing about this excuse is that people will understand and accept it easily.
27. I Need a HairCut
If you want to get out of the house without giving any reasons, then go to your hairdresser.
People like having their hair styled and trimmed so they will be happy to see you.
You could also have a makeover done as well.
28. I Have a Date With a Friend
If you want to get out of the house, go hang out with a friend.
This is the perfect excuse if you want to spend quality time with someone.
However, if the friend does not know what to do in the city and has to depend on you, then this may be seen as an annoyance.
29. My Computer Needs a Service
This is a very simple excuse to use if you are going to a computer repair shop.
Most of the time, a computer service center can easily fix most of your computer problems and will not ask any questions as long as they receive the bill.
30. I’m Going to Buy Some Food
Going to a grocery store for food can also be used as an excuse to leave the house.
If you buy enough food for the day, you can use it as your reason.
However, if you buy something specifically for yourself, such as flowers or wine, that can be seen as selfish.
To See Your Boyfriend

If you are looking for ways to see your boyfriend, then you should not be afraid to leave the house.
There are many fun ways to see him/her, such as walking around your neighbourhood, visiting parks, shopping malls, and even the zoo.
However, if you want to spend time with him/her, then you will have to come up with a good excuse to go out of the house.
31. Stay Over at Friend’s Place
There are many friends that do not like to go home because they do not feel comfortable being alone.
If you want to stay over at your friend’s place, then you can use this as an excuse.
You can tell them that you are spending the night with them or that you will take them out to eat.
32. I Have My Extra Classes Today
This is a common reason for staying late at school.
You may not want to stay home alone.
That is why you want to come up with an excuse so that you can avoid staying at home.
33. Girl’s Night Games
You can easily convince your parents that there is a girl’s night party game.
Every girl from the group is attending the party. This is one of the best excuses you can use to leave the house to see your boyfriend.
34. Bachelorette Party
You can excuse your partner about a bachelorette party. Since this party only involves girls.
Your parents will get convinced and in this way, you can also meet your boyfriend.
35. Go To a Beauty Salon
Another great excuse to visit your beauty salon.
It is very clear that every girl wants to go for a beauty session when she is done with work.
And no parents will ever force you not to go to a salon.
So, you can use this excuse and meet your boyfriend.
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To See Your Girlfriend

Girlfriends are one of the best friends that any guy would ever have.
And when your girlfriend is alone, you can easily visit her at home.
She will welcome you with open arms and allow you to stay over.
You can make her laugh, share your thoughts, talk about love, and make memories together.
Here are some excuses to visit your girlfriend leaving your house.
36. Movie With Friends
Girls love to be spoiled, especially when they’re single. So why not take them out for a movie?
There’s nothing better than going to the movies with your friends and your girlfriend.
You can enjoy some good food, watch the latest films or go for a walk outside.
37. I Have A Doctor’s Appointment
This is the perfect excuse to visit your girlfriend.
You can tell your family that you have an important doctor’s appointment that day and you need to leave as soon as possible.
They will understand and they will let you go.
38. I Need To Complete My Project With Friends
If you need some excuse to leave to see your girlfriend then this one is the best.
You can explain to your parents that you need to complete an important project and submit it before the deadline.
So, you need to visit your friend’s home and complete it.
39. I Have To Go For An Interview
This is the perfect excuse for you to leave to see your girlfriend.
You can tell your family that you have to go for an interview.
They will understand.
40. I Just Want To Hangout With My Friends
You can use this excuse if you just want to hang out with your friends.
If you don’t want to say anything about your girlfriend, then you can also ask your friends to join you.
Excuses To Leave The House For 10 Minutes

We all have a certain time of day when we just cannot leave our home.
This could be because of some obligations or anything else.
But there are some times when you can go out without feeling guilty or regretting it.
Here are some excuses to leave your home for 10 minutes.
41. I Need To Answer The Phone
If you have important calls on your phone, then you can use this excuse
If not, then you can leave your phone at home.
When you are going out, you will be surprised by how many people actually do use this excuse.
42. Get Out For a Coffee
Coffee is one of the best drinks ever. It’s not only good for your health but also good for your brain.
If you need to get away from home for 10 hours, then you can use this excuse.
43. Go For a Bike Ride
Another thing which is great to do is just to go and bike ride around the city for a few hours.
You can use this excuse if you are going for a bike ride and want to leave your home for 10 minutes.
44. I Need Some Notes From a Friend
This is one of the most popular excuses that people use when they need to leave their homes for 10 minutes.
If you need some notes from a friend, then you can use this excuse.
45. I Need To Go To The Gym
Another of the most popular and effective reasons to leave your home is to go to the gym.
You should always have a gym card with you whenever you leave your house.
Excuses To Make When Your Parents Are Strict

Parents have the right to discipline their children, but this does not mean they do not love them.
If you have a strict parent and he/she gives you a long lecture about the consequences of your actions, you may need to get away from the house for a little bit.
Here are some excuses to leave your parents’ home.
46. I Need To Do My Homework With a Friend
Sometimes when you have to do your homework with a friend, you may need to leave the house.
Sometimes you will need to get away from your parents for a little while.
This is one of the most common and effective reasons to leave your house.
47. I Need To Run An Errands
Running errands with your friends is one of the best ways to get away from your parents.
You can run to the store, drop off your laundry or take care of other things.
These are good reasons to leave your house.
48. I Need To Go On A Picnic
Going on a picnic is also an excuse to leave your house.
It will give you time to hang out with your friends and enjoy the nice weather.
49. I Need To Visit A Friend Who Lives Next Door
Going to visit a friend who lives next door is another way to get away from your parents for a little while.
Sometimes this is a good excuse to leave the house when you have to stay home.
50. I Need to Go to Park For an Exercise
Exercising at the park is one of the best ways to escape from your parents and leave the house.
Going to the park will help you relax and release some stress.
Excuses To Get Out Of The House To Meet Your Lover
If you find yourself having a hard time meeting your lover because your parents are home all day, try one of these excuses:
51. All My Friends Are Going Out
You can go meet your lover at her place if you claim that your friends are going out.
You will get the chance to spend time with her without worrying about your parents or siblings.
52. My Friend’s Engagement
Your parents might not be too happy if they know that you are spending time with your lover.
However, if you can convince them that you are at a party celebrating your friend’s engagement, they might be okay with it.
53. I Have Some Extra College Work
If you have extra college works that you want to finish, you can tell your parents that you have to study for exams.
This will get them off your back.
54. Practice Sums With My Class Topper
If you know your classmates well and if you want to meet your lover, tell your parents that you have to practice math problems with the topper of your class.
55. My Teacher Just Called Me For Notes
It is unlikely that your teacher would call you just for a few notes.
However, if you tell your parents that he called you to give you a test or quiz, they will be less suspicious.
Also, read: The Complete Excuses Handbook: The Definitive Guide
Excuses To Leave The House If Your Wife Is Strict

There are a lot of things that can keep you from being able to leave the house when your wife is home.
Here are some excuses to get out of the house if your wife is strictly home:
56. I Got a Call From My Boss
Tell your wife that you have to go to the office and talk to your boss about something important.
When she gets angry at you for not being in the house, just say that you had to go there.
57. I Have To Meet Up With My Co-Worker For Lunch
Your wife may ask why you didn’t come home for lunch.
Tell her that you have to meet up with your co-worker and you will be back by 5 pm.
If you don’t want to lie, you could say that you have to meet a friend.
58. My Best Friend Is Going Through Some Health Issues
If your wife is strict, then you might have to take time off work for some reason.
When you tell her about the health issues that you need to attend to, she might feel bad.
But, you can just tell her that your friend needs you right now and you have to leave to help him.
59. I Need To Change The Oil In My Car
This is the best excuse a man can tell to leave the house.
You can just tell her that you need to go to work but, you need to change the oil first.
Tell her that it takes a long time to do this job and that she can’t help you. This will avoid any problems.
60. I Need To Pick Up Something From The Post Office
If you want to leave the house without explaining anything, you should use this as an excuse. You can tell her that you need to get something from the post office.
This is the best excuse because if she doesn’t like it, she will have no problem letting you go.
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When You Are Working From Home

There are many things that can keep you from leaving the house when you are working from home.
Here are some excuses to leave the house when you are working from home:
61. I Have an Appointment Today
If you have an appointment today or if you have other plans, this is a good excuse to leave the house.
This is especially true if it is on the way to work.
Tell your boss that you don’t want to miss your appointment.
62. I Need To Pick Up My Kids From School
If you need to pick up your children from school or if you are meeting with the school principal.
This is a good reason to leave the house when you are working from home.
63. There Is a Parent-Teacher Meeting Of My Kids
Another good reason to leave the house when you are working from home is that there is a parent-teacher meeting for your kids.
You may not be at home, but there is a meeting that needs to happen and you need to attend.
64. I Need To Attend a Friend’s Wedding Ceremony
If you have a friend who is getting married today or in the near future, go to their wedding ceremony.
This will be another good excuse to leave the house when you are working from home.
65. Going to Pick Up Some Relatives Today
You may need to leave the house when you are working from home today because you are going to pick up some relatives.
This is a good reason to leave the house when you are working from home.
Leaving the house is not something that is required for us, but sometimes the circumstances make us feel that we should leave the house.
There are many reasons that make us feel like that.
I hope you liked the list of my 65 proven ways and excuses to leave the house.
I think these are the best excuses that can help you to leave the house without any trouble.
Also, let us know what excuses you use for leaving the house. What is your favorite one?
If you have any other way to leave the house, please tell us through the comment section. Thanks!
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