A gift is a gift, no matter how small or how big it is.
A simple gift is enough to convey your love and appreciation to someone.
A simple message on the card itself can make a difference.
If you want to make their day special, here are 30 ‘A small gift for you messages, wordings, and phrases that you can use.
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A Small Gift For You Messages, Phrases, and Wordings
Ever wondered what should you say when you give a small gift?
Sometimes, the gifts you give or the ways in which you show your love and care, may not seem like much to you.
But to others, these things can have an enormous impact on their lives.
If you want to convey your care and concern to your loved ones, here are some ‘A small gift for you messages to use.

“I just wanted to brighten your day with this little something.”
“I saw this and thought of you immediately. I hope it brings a smile to your face.”
“I know it’s not much, but I hope it brings a little joy to your day.”
“I hope this small token of my appreciation brings a little extra happiness to your life.”
“I couldn’t resist getting this for you. I hope it brings a bit of joy to your day.”
“I know it’s not much, but I wanted to show you that you are always on my mind.”
“I hope this small gift brings a little extra warmth to your heart.”
“I saw this and knew I had to get it for you. I hope it brings a smile to your face.”
“I hope this small gesture brightens your day in some way.”
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Cute Little Message To Write On a Gift Card For Small Gifts

“I hope this small gift serves as a reminder of how much you mean to me.”
“I wanted to share a little something with you to show you how much you mean to me.”
“This may be small, but it’s filled with love and appreciation for you.”
“I hope this small gift brings a little extra happiness to your life.”
“I hope this small token of my affection brings a smile to your face.”
“I couldn’t resist getting this for you. I hope it brings a bit of joy to your day.”
“I wanted to brighten your day with this small gesture of love and appreciation.”
“I know it’s not much, but I hope this small gift brings a little extra warmth to your heart.”
“I hope this small gift brings a bit of cheer and happiness to your life.”
Also, read:
Girlfriend Won’t Accept Gifts [9 Reasons + Ways To Convince]
‘I Like Your Gift’ [45 Phrases Ideas To Say When You Like a Gift]
Wordings To Add In Gift Letter For Tiny Gifts

“I am pleased that this little something puts a smile on your cute face.”
“As you get through another tough day, I hope this small gift brings you a smile.”
“Yes, this gift is small but I wanted to show my gratitude for all your support and encouragement.”
“This gift can be small but the warmth and tenderness are big. I hope it brings a smile to your face.”
“It might not seem like much to you, but to me, it’s the best little gift I’ve ever given.”
“Since you are a cute lady, I knew you would enjoy this little gift.”
“A small gift for my girlfriend is what she deserves for her adorable smile.”
“Like small moments change our life how about this small little act will change yours?”
“This tiny gift for you is from me to show how much I appreciate your sweetheart.”
“Sometimes little things do make the biggest difference. That is why I gave you this tiny gift to make your day.”
“When it comes to little gestures of affection, nothing beats this small gift for you.”
“I was so touched by this tiny gesture for me that I wanted to pass this small gift along to you.”

This small gift for you messages, phrases, and wordings can help you in writing a message for any kind of gift, whether it is a token of gratitude, love, or appreciation.
You can use them to convey your thoughts and feelings to your loved ones.
Some of these are very sweet, and you can easily put them to use to send your heartfelt wishes for a happy birthday, anniversary, or Valentine’s Day.
Also, read:
How To Say Thank You For Small Gift [50 Thoughtful Messages]
How To Ask Someone If They Received Your Gift? [25 Phrases]
How To Say Hope You’ll Like The Gift? [Try These 21 Beautiful Ways]