25 Spicy Make Outs Games To Play With Your Partner

Looking to add some fun and excitement to your relationship?

Spicy make-out games are a great way to connect with your partner and keep things fresh.

Whether you’re looking to spice up date night or just want to try something new, these games can help you create special memories together.

Spicy Make Outs Games For Couples

Each game offers a unique way to explore your love and make your time together even more enjoyable.

Get ready to have some fun with these spicy make outs games that are sure to bring you closer.

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25 Spicy Make Outs Games To Play With Your Partner

Now that you’re ready to explore new ways to make out with your partner, let’s dive into the list of games.

Each one is designed to add some excitement and playfulness to your relationship.

Try one, or try them all – you’re sure to find a favorite!

Spin the Bottle: Spin a bottle, and wherever it lands, engage in a make-out session with your partner.

Spin the Bottle is a fun and easy game. You and your partner sit in a circle, spin a bottle in the middle, and see where it points.

When the bottle stops, you must kiss your partner wherever it lands.

You can make it more exciting by adding challenges or different types of kisses.

This game is all about having fun and sharing special moments with your partner.

Truth or Dare: Incorporate make-out dares or steamy truths that encourage intimacy.

Truth or Dare is a classic game that becomes even better when you add make-out dares.

Take turns asking each other to choose between truth or dare. If your partner chooses truth, ask them a fun or steamy question.

If they pick dare, challenge them to a make-out task, like kissing a specific spot.

This game lets you learn more about each other while having a good time.

Blindfolded Kisses: Take turns blindfolding each other and guessing where on the body the kiss is being placed.

In Blindfolded Kisses, you take turns blindfolding each other.

Once one of you is blindfolded, the other will kiss you on different parts of your body.

The person who is blindfolded then has to guess where the kiss was. This game makes every kiss feel more exciting and surprising.

It also helps you focus on the feeling of the kiss, making it even more special.

7 Minutes in Heaven: Spend seven minutes in a closed space and make the most of it with passionate kisses.

7 Minutes in Heaven is a game where you and your partner spend seven minutes together in a small, closed space.

During this time, you can kiss and explore each other’s company in a private setting.

The time limit adds excitement, making every moment count.

You can use this time to get closer to your partner and share passionate kisses without any distractions.

Kiss and Tell: One partner kisses the other somewhere on their body, and the other must guess where or how it was kissed.

Kiss and Tell is a game where one partner kisses the other on any part of their body. The person who was kissed has to guess where the kiss happened.

This game is playful and can lead to laughter and more kisses.

It’s a fun way to explore each other’s bodies and enjoy guessing each other’s moves.

The goal is to enjoy the surprises and the closeness that comes with each kiss.


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Lipstick Challenge: Apply bright lipstick and see who can leave the most lipstick marks during the make-out session.

The Lipstick Challenge is all about having fun with color. You and your partner each apply bright lipstick.

Then, during your make-out session, try to leave as many lipstick marks on each other as you can. The goal is to cover each other in colorful kisses.

It’s a playful game that makes kissing even more exciting.

Plus, it’s funny to see who ends up with the most lipstick marks!

Freeze Kiss: Start making out, but when a timer or sound goes off, freeze in place. It’s all about building anticipation.

In Freeze Kiss, you start by making out as usual, but with a twist.

Set a timer or have a sound ready, and when it goes off, both of you must freeze in place.

You can’t move or kiss until the timer starts again.

This game is all about building anticipation. Pausing in the middle of a kiss makes you both eager to continue, making the next kiss even better.

Kiss and Whisper: Kiss your partner’s neck and whisper something seductive in their ear. The combination of sensations can be thrilling.

Kiss and Whisper is a game that mixes gentle touches with soft words.

While kissing your partner’s neck, you whisper something sweet or seductive into their ear.

The combination of your warm breath and the soft kiss can be very thrilling.

This game is a way to connect emotionally and physically at the same time.

It’s perfect for adding a little extra romance to your kissing.

The Tickler: Use a feather or something soft to lightly tickle your partner during a make-out session, adding an extra layer of sensation.

The Tickler is a playful game that adds a new sensation to your make-out session.

Grab a feather or something soft, and gently tickle your partner while you’re kissing.

The light touches can make your partner giggle or shiver with excitement.

This game is great for keeping things fun and light-hearted. It adds a different layer to your kissing and can lead to lots of laughter.

Hot and Cold: Change the temperature by using ice cubes or warm breaths while kissing different parts of your partner’s body.

Hot and Cold is a game that plays with temperature to make kissing more interesting.

You can use an ice cube to cool down your lips or take a warm drink to heat them.

Then, kiss different parts of your partner’s body, letting them feel the temperature change.

The contrast between hot and cold adds a new sensation to each kiss, making the experience more intense and exciting.

Candy Kiss: Hold a piece of candy or gum in your mouth and pass it back and forth during the kiss.

Candy Kiss is a sweet and playful game. You and your partner start by holding a piece of candy or gum in your mouth.

Then, as you kiss, pass the candy back and forth between your mouths. This game is fun because it adds a new flavor to your kisses.

Plus, trying to keep the candy moving without dropping it can be both tricky and exciting, making each kiss even more memorable.

Silent Seduction: Without speaking, communicate your desires through kisses and body language only.

Silent Seduction is all about connecting without words. In this game, you and your partner communicate only through kisses and body language.

Without talking, you express what you want and how you feel.

This game helps you tune into each other’s emotions and desires more deeply.

It’s a powerful way to bond, as you rely on your instincts and the closeness between you to understand each other.


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Temperature Play: Experiment with alternating between cold and warm drinks before kissing to see how it changes the sensation.

Temperature Play adds a cool twist to your kissing routine. You and your partner can try sipping cold water or a warm drink before kissing.

The change in temperature makes each kiss feel different and exciting.

Cold kisses can be refreshing, while warm kisses can feel comforting and cozy.

This game is about experimenting with different sensations, making your make-out sessions more varied and fun.

Kissing Dice: Create a pair of dice with actions on one and body parts on the other. Roll to see what happens next.

Kissing Dice is a game that’s all about surprise and variety.

You make two dice: one with actions like “kiss,” “lick,” or “nibble,” and the other with body parts like “neck,” “lips,” or “ear.”

Roll the dice and see what combination you get. This game keeps things unpredictable, as you never know what the next kiss will be like.

It’s a fun way to explore different types of kisses and keep things interesting.

Role Play Kisses: Pretend to be different characters, like strangers or celebrities, and kiss as if it’s your first time.

Role Play Kisses lets you and your partner get creative.

You pretend to be different characters, like strangers meeting for the first time or celebrities.

Then, you kiss each other as if it’s your first time. This game is great for breaking out of your usual routine and trying something new.

It adds excitement and imagination to your kissing, making it feel fresh and adventurous every time.

Body Painting Kisses: Use edible body paint to draw on your partner’s body, then kiss it off.

Body Painting Kisses is a creative and playful game. You start by using edible body paint to draw on your partner’s body.

Then, the fun begins as you kiss the paint off!

You can draw simple shapes or write sweet messages, and then enjoy kissing each area clean.

This game is perfect for combining art with affection, making your kisses more colorful and exciting.

Sensory Deprivation: Use a blindfold and headphones with soft music to heighten the sense of touch during your make-out session.

Sensory Deprivation is a game that heightens your sense of touch.

One partner wears a blindfold and headphones playing soft music, while the other focuses on giving gentle kisses.

Without sight or sound, the blindfolded partner can fully focus on the feeling of each kiss.

This game makes every touch and kiss feel more intense, as you rely solely on your sense of touch to connect with your partner.

Breathless Kisses: See how long you can kiss without taking a breath, adding an element of playful competition.

Breathless Kisses is a fun challenge that tests how long you and your partner can kiss without taking a breath.

You start kissing and try to keep going as long as possible without stopping to breathe.

It’s a playful way to see who can last the longest, and it often ends in laughter as you both try to catch your breath.

This game adds a lighthearted, competitive edge to your kissing sessions.


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Kissing Countdown: Start a timer for a short period, like 2 minutes, and see how many kisses you can exchange before the timer runs out.

Kissing Countdown is a fast-paced game that adds a bit of pressure.

Set a timer for a short period, like 2 minutes, and see how many kisses you can share before the time runs out.

The goal is to kiss as much as possible within the time limit.

This game is great for creating a sense of urgency and excitement, making each kiss feel more precious as the clock ticks down.

Kiss the Cards: Use a deck of cards where each suit represents a different type of kiss. Draw cards to see what’s next.

Kiss the Cards is a game that brings variety to your make-out session.

You use a deck of cards where each suit represents a different type of kiss, like a peck, a deep kiss, a neck kiss, or a cheek kiss.

Draw a card, and whatever suit you get determines the type of kiss you share next.

This game keeps things interesting and unpredictable, making every kiss a new experience.

Glow-in-the-Dark Kisses: Apply glow-in-the-dark body paint and make out in a dark room, watching your partner glow as you kiss.

Glow-in-the-Dark Kisses turn your make-out session into a glowing adventure.

You and your partner apply glow-in-the-dark body paint, then turn off the lights to make out in a dark room. As you kiss, watch each other light up in the dark.

The glowing effect makes every kiss look magical and unique.

This game is a fun way to add a little extra excitement and mystery to your kissing experience.

Secret Spots: Each partner picks a secret spot on their body that they love to be kissed, and the other has to find it.

Secret Spots is a game of discovery and affection.

Each of you picks a spot on your body that you love to be kissed but keep a secret.

Then, you take turns trying to find each other’s favorite spots by kissing different areas.

This game is all about learning what your partner enjoys and surprising them with the perfect kiss.

It’s a playful way to explore each other’s likes and deepen your connection.

Mirror Make Out: Kiss each other while watching yourselves in the mirror. It adds a visual element that can be surprisingly intimate.

Mirror Make Out is a game that adds a visual twist to your kissing.

You and your partner kiss each other while standing in front of a mirror, watching your reflection as you do.

Seeing yourselves kiss can make the experience feel more intimate and special.

It’s like sharing a private moment with just the two of you but with the added excitement of watching it happen in real-time.

Lip-Reading Kisses: Whisper something into your partner’s lips, and they have to guess what you said by the movement.

Lip-Reading Kisses is a game that combines whispering and kissing.

One partner whispers something softly against the other’s lips, and the other has to guess what was said by feeling the movement of the lips.

It’s a fun way to communicate without words and adds a playful challenge to your kissing.

The game encourages you to pay close attention to each other’s lips and enjoy the closeness it brings.

Surprise Kiss Attack: Throughout the day, surprise your partner with spontaneous make-out sessions when they least expect it.

Surprise Kiss Attack is all about spontaneity and fun.

Throughout the day, you surprise your partner with unexpected kisses when they least expect it.

Whether you’re at home, out for a walk, or even busy with something else, you can suddenly start a make-out session.

The surprise factor makes every kiss more exciting, and it keeps both of you on your toes, looking forward to the next spontaneous moment.


These spicy make-out games are perfect for bringing more fun and connection into your relationship.

Whether you’re looking to laugh together, explore new sensations, or just spend quality time with your partner, these games offer something for everyone.

Trying out different games can help you discover new things you both enjoy and make your bond even stronger. So, don’t hesitate to add a little spice to your routine.

Engage With Us

We hope you enjoyed exploring these spicy make-out games!

Have you tried any of these games with your partner, or do you have your favorite ways to add excitement to your relationship? We’d love to hear from you!

Share your experiences, ideas, or any new games you’ve come up with in the comments below.

Your friendly neighborhood. I do SEO (Freelance Content Writer), and sometimes I cook food.

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