Well if you want to know or test the waters with your crush then you can send some comfortable flirty dares that will not make things awkward but will make it more fun.
Below I have shared a list of funny and friendly flirty dares.
But before starting remember always respect the boundaries.
Because nobody likes someone who keeps pushing the boundaries.
Use these links to jump ahead:
Friendly Flirty Dares For Your Crush Over Text

1. Sing a song, record it, and send me the recording. (You can also give suggestions for which song you want to hear)
2. Make a funny face, click a selfie, and share it with me. (You will get to see a new side of your crush)
3. Describe how you feel about me through emoji. (Here your heart rate will surely go up)
4. I dare you to send me a pic of your smiling face. (You can also send one to make things even)
5. Send flirty responses Texts or messages and describe what is love to you. (You will get to know what love means to your crush)
6. Text me what you hate and love most in the world.
7. What do you want to eat right now the most? I dare you to eat that. (This way you will help your crush to eat what they want)
8. Be as creative as you can be and make something interesting through emoji, show me what you can do.
9. Talk about me on camera, record it, and share it with me. (You can also add that you can decide what you want to talk about me)
10. Dress in your favorite dress and show me your style. Send me a photo of you dressed up in your style.
11. Send a flirty text to your best friend and share with me what they reply. (You can share what she/he should text to her/his best friend)
12. Do you have a thing that you want to do but can’t find the time to do? If yes then I want you to do that thing for the next 30 days.
13. I want you to go and give a flower to the person you hold precious in life. (Life is small appreciate the people you love and care about)
14. What movies do you want to watch right now? Let’s watch it together online.

15. Get yourself a haircut you love and send me a pic.
Funny Flirty Dares For Your Crush Over Text

16. I want you to go and cook today for your family and send me the pick of the final result.
17. Start a new good habit for 30 days and update me every day. (You can suggest new habits)
18. I want you to use a pickup line on me and try to flirt with me through a voice message.
19. Text your best friend “I love you” and share with me what they said.
20. Share with me the joke that has made you laugh recently.
21. Try to make me laugh and if you do it then there will be a reward for you. (You can decide on what you want to give him/her as a reward)
22. Text your friend and ask “Do you think I’m hot” and share with me what they said.
23. Tell me how you will flirt with your crush. (You will learn how to flirt with your crush from your crush)
24. Do one challenging thing today and send me a video of it. (You can suggest some challenging things)
25. Give a smile to everyone you see and do this for the entire day and tell me your experience the next day.
26. Tell me your dreams through song, write a song about your dreams, and share it with me. (It will maybe funny or maybe not but you will get close that is for sure)
27. Do not speak for the rest of the day, only use your actions to explain and share with me your experience.
28. Wear a T-shirt that has double-meaning words on it for a day. (You can both decide on a T-shirt together just choose something that is not too embarrassing)

29. Dance to a song but whenever a beat comes you have to jump and cheer loudly. (You can select a song and give it to your crush)
30. Tell how your day went by using emoji only and let me decode it.
31. Tell your siblings that you have fallen in love and want to ask him/her out, how should you go about doing it? (You can also add that you have to share what happened)
32. Give a hug to your siblings, say that you love them, and share with me their reactions.
33. Open a camera and say “I love you” to yourself 5 times and each time increase the seductive tone.
Flirty Dares For Your Guy Crush Over Text

34. Text me what you love about me. (You can also add that send me a voice message instead of text)
35. If you go on a date, how will you make it special, share those ideas with me. (You can share yours as well and see how many ideas match)
36. Put the status on your social media “I’m in love” for a day. (This will be super funny, you can decide together on which platform to put this status)
37. What is your idea of a romantic date? Share that with me.
38. Act like a drunkard person and say anything you want.
39. Have you ever kissed someone? How was your experience? Share that with me.
40. Have you ever slept naked at night? What was your first reaction when you woke up the next day, share those with me.
41. Have you ever had a wet dream and what were you dreaming? Share those dreams with me.
42. Video call me and maintain eye contact with me and let’s see who blinks first. (Before doing this make sure your internet connection is fine)
43. If you have to define me in one word what would it be and pair it up with an emoji to make it better?
44. What is the one thing that you want to do today but couldn’t find the time to do it? Then do that thing now.
45. Write a love song for me, imagine me, and write that song, let me hear the song after you finish it.
46. In the next 5 minutes come up with cute nicknames for me.
More Awesome Dare Ideas- 50+ Flirty Dares For Your Boyfriend Over Text [Girls Must Know]
Flirty Dares For Your Girl Crush Over Text

47. What is the one thing you want your partner to do on a date, text me that.
48. What do you enjoy doing on the internet most, let’s do that right now.
49. Which places do you want to go on your romantic date, share images of that place and I will guess what place it is.
50. What things reminded you of me, share those things with me.
51. Do you love to travel? Share your favorite places images and I will guess your favorite place among them.
52. Act like me for 5 minutes and record it, share it with me. (Let’s see how well she knows you)
53. What is the most daring thing you have done in life, share it with me through a voice message.
More Fun Bet Ideas:
23 Fun Bets For Long Distance Couples [Beyond Miles]
54. If you have to go with me on an adventure, share with me the list of the things you want to do with me on an adventure. (You can remove adventure at the end to make it more spicy)
55. Let’s play rap battle, I will give you a word and you will have to rap using that word and then you will give me the word I will do the same. (But you can choose a theme like romantic)
56. I dare you to share one fact about yourself that not many people know.
57. Share a song that you always go to when you feel down in life.
58. Which languages are you interested in learning? Let’s learn it together (This way you could spend more time with her)
59. If you have to go with me on a vacation, text me how you will make it special.
60. I dare you to start writing continuously for the next 5 minutes and keep typing whatever comes to mind. (You can also give words to her when she is writing and she can form sentences using those words)
61. I dare you to share your bucket list and I will share mine. (Those things that are the same in both lists, you will do it together with your crush)
Final Thoughts
To know if it is a good dare that you can use, you have to first think about the other person when making a dare, will he/she be comfortable?
When you put the other person first you will automatically choose the best dares.
Just remember your goal is to have a fun time with your crush if you remember that everything will be fine.
If you enjoy it then share this with your friends and if you want more dare ideas then I have shared more dare Ideas in the article.
30+ Good Punishments For Bets With Your Crush (2023)